Kyoko Tanaka
Child Psychiatrist
Kikuchi Hospital
Kumamoto, Japan
Child Psychiatrist
Kikuchi Hospital
Kumamoto, Japan
Autism Advisory Teacher, BELS
London, United Kingdom
Clinical Psychologist / Clinical Assistant Professor
Raleigh TEACCH Center
Raleigh NC
Special Education Coordinator
Pasadena Independent School District
Texas USA
Autism Specialist / Clinical Instructor / Occupational Therapist
Chapel Hill TEACCH Center
Carrboro, NC
Child Development Support Manager
Kure Honjo Tsukushien
Speech Language-Hearing Therapist, Certified Public Psychologist
Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences Medical Research Center for Mental Development, Nagoya City University Hospital
Aichi, Japan
Child Developmental Therapist
Certified Public Psychologists
SUN-Sano (Center for children with ASD)
Tochigi, Japan
Licensed Psychologist
General Incorporated Association Ashitaba
General Manager
Institute TAKENOKO/Individual intervention Center