TEACCH® Certified Practitioner Level
STAGE ONE: Complete Prerequisites
- Review the Certification Website for a detailed program overview and download the TEACCH Certified Practitioner Checklist for future reference.
- Five-Day Classroom Training
- Completed within the past five years
- Retain your Certificate of Attendance
- Beyond the Basics Seminar
- Completed within the past five years
- Retain your Certificate of Attendance
- Five-Day Classroom Training must be completed at least three months prior to attending Beyond the Basics
- Scope of Work Statement
- Parameters: short essay format; less than one page in length
- Content: describe in your own words how you have implemented TEACCH® principles in your work setting for a minimum of one year after completing Five-Day Classroom Training
- To request an application, submit the following to TEACCH _Certifications@med.unc.edu:
- Certificates of Attendance
- Five-Day Classroom Training
- Beyond the Basics Seminar
- Scope of Work Statement
- Certificates of Attendance
STAGE TWO: Application and Certification Exam
- Submit the following to TEACCH _Certifications@med.unc.edu:
- Completed Certified Practitioner Application
- Resume or CV
- Copy of Professional Credentials or Licenses
- Letters of Reference (3)
- Receive approval to proceed and payment link for application and exam fees ($500 USD)
- Receive exam link from Certifications Office and complete certifications exam
- Format: 100 Multiple Choice Questions, 10 Essays
- Content draws from Five-Day Classroom and Beyond the Basics events
- Complete a Zoom meeting with the Certifications Review Committee
STAGE THREE: Portfolio Review and Certification Completion
STAGE FOUR: Certification Renewal - Once approved, you will receive instructions for completing a portfolio
- Complete and mail a hard-copy portfolio
- All portfolios must be mailed as a hard copy.
- USB, CD, and digital formats will NOT be accepted.
- Notify the Certifications Office that the portfolio has been mailed
- Once received, the Certifications Office will email a payment link
- Pay the portfolio review and certifications fee ($500 USD)
- Complete a Zoom meeting with the Certifications Review Committee
- When the portfolio is approved by the Certifications Review Committee:
- Submit a signed three-year letter of agreement
- Submit a completed web directory form and professional headshot (optional)
- Receive a three-year certificate from the Certifications Office
- Within a three-year period, complete 16 continuing professional development hours in the field of ASD, which includes:
- At least eight (8) hours in TEACCH® sponsored events (see TEACCH Training Calendar) or AFIRM Modules
- The additional eight (8) hours can be from any other ASD workshops or conferences
- Submit a completed renewal application
- Once approved, the Certifications Office will email a payment link ($225 USD)
- A three-year certificate will be mailed upon payment
- Use the title of TEACCH® Certified Practitioner (use of the TEACCH logo is restricted to current TEACCH employees only)
- The certification is valid for 3 years
- Name listed on the TEACCH Certified Practitioner Directory
- Demonstrate activities, share information, and consult on TEACCH principles and practices only within your own work setting
- Receive two hours of consultative support per certification period at no charge
- Receive a 10% discount to TEACCH-sponsored conferences, trainings, and approved seminars in North Carolina (see TEACCH Training Calendar)
- Cannot train, formally teach, or conduct workshops on TEACCH® principles and practices outside of your organization
- Click the links to see current registration fees for the prerequisite trainings:
- Total TEACCH Certified Practitioner Fee: $1000 USD
- Application and Exam Fee:$500 USD
- Portfolio Review and Certification Fee: $500 USD
For additional questions or more information, please contact:
UNC TEACCH Autism Program – Certifications
CB#7180, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7180
Email: TEACCH_Certifications@med.unc.edu | Phone: 919.966.8191