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The University of North Carolina TEACCH® Autism Program and Team Autismus GmbH & Co. KG have an ongoing collaborative relationship regarding training in Structured TEACCHIng, where TEACCH recognizes that the training provided by Team Autismus GmbH & Co. KG reflects the current practices and research in Structured TEACCHing across the age span.

Team Autismus GmbH & Co. KG website

The TEACCH® Autism Program, in collaboration with programs and agencies across the states and overseas, conducts workshops and trainings in addition to those in North Carolina. As a service to those programs and agencies, we are providing a list describing the type of training and contact information. Only those trainings that have open enrollment and registration will be listed. Persons interested in learning more about these trainings or who wish to register should contact the sponsoring agency and not TEACCH directly. The listing will be updated regularly.