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TEACCH® Five-Day Classroom Training provides a theoretical foundation as well as hands-on opportunities to assess and teach individuals on the autism spectrum in a demonstration classroom setting. The premise of this foundation is an understanding of the learning styles of individuals with autism and how to use teaching strategies that capitalize on learning strengths. Participants will have an opportunity to apply these strategies with students of varying ages and developmental levels in a classroom setting during group and individual activities. The training includes presentations, small group discussions, demonstration classroom activities, and hands-on experiences for five consecutive days.

Two age groups to choose from:

  • Early Childhood, Ages 3-8
  • Elementary Through High School, Ages 6-21


At the completion of training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the unique learning styles of children and adolescents on the autism spectrum.
  • Conduct informal assessments to set learning objectives and monitor progress.
  • Create meaningful and individualized visual structure for students with autism in both individual and group settings.
  • Implement TEACCHing strategies to facilitate communication, academic skills, social and leisure skills, work behaviors, and vocational skills.
  • Engage in behavioral problem-solving and implement antecedent-based strategies to reduce behavioral difficulties.
  • Develop and implement stress reduction routines and coping strategies.
  • Implement strategies for working and collaborating with families of individuals on the autism spectrum.

Target Audience:

This course is designed for educators, psychologists, speech-language pathologists, as well as others working in an educational setting and interested in educational strategies for teaching students on the autism spectrum.

Visit our Training Calendar for available dates & times

Note: A TEACCH Five-Day Classroom Training will be available in Australia on September 23-27, 2024. Click here for more information

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