Charlotte TEACCH Intervention Services
TEACCH® Charlotte offers several intervention services for TEACCH clients and families of TEACCH clients. If you are a parent, caregiver, or guardian of a TEACCH client, please register and attend one of our parent classes in order to be eligible for intervention services. Our parent classes focus on information about Autism Spectrum Disorders, introduction to TEACCH strategies and supports, and problem-solving of challenging behaviors.
YES! TEACCH has always been committed to working with parents and caregivers as co-therapists. During the sessions, you will continue to increase your understanding of autism spectrum disorder, the reasons behind your child’s difficulties and ways to teach your child a new skill. Parents and caregivers will work directly with an Autism Specialist and their child to practice the strategies they can use at home.
Once you have completed the referral process to become a TEACCH client and are interested in Individual Caregiver TEACCHing Sessions, please complete the Session Request Form and return it to the Charlotte TEACCH Center – 8401 University Executive Park Drive, Suite 100 | Charlotte, NC 28262 | Fax: 919-445-2353 |
If you are interested in Group Intervention Services, please complete the Session Request Form and return it to the Charlotte TEACCH Center – 8401 University Executive Park Drive, Suite 100 | Charlotte, NC 28262 | Fax: 919-445-2353 |