Vocational Services
The TEACCH® School Transition to Employment and Postsecondary Education Program (T-STEP) is a FREE intervention to support transition to employment and/or postsecondary education settings for 16-21 year olds with Autism Spectrum Disorder who will or have received a Future-Ready Core high school diploma.
The T-STEP covers seven transition skills modules grouped into four intervention areas:
- Goal Setting Skills – These modules involve choosing and working toward individual’s goals.
- Executive Function Skills – These modules target approaching tasks in an organized manner and time management and flexibility.
- Emotion Regulation Skills – These modules target coping with stress and accepting corrective feedback.
- Social Skills – These modules target getting help when needed and social skills for college and work.
The TEACCH Employment Services Program serves older persons with autism, helping them to become as independent as possible by assisting them in finding and maintaining useful employment in stable, predictable and rewarding work environments. Since its inception in 1989, this program has used a variety of job support models to assist more than 500 people with autism to secure gainful employment and to become productive, tax-paying members of their communities.The components of the Employment Services Program are vocational assessment, job development, intensive training, and long-term support. Individuals are not required to receive all components of this service. Employment Services receives funding through North Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Services and a referral should come from your local VR office.