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  • Use the title of TEACCH® Certified Advanced Consultant (use of the TEACCH logo is restricted to current TEACCH employees only)
  • The certification is valid for 3 years
  • Name listed on the TEACCH Certified Advanced Consultant Directory
  • Qualify for the benefits of the TEACCH Certified Practitioner Level (see Certified Practitioner Overview for Benefits/Privileges)
  • Consult on TEACCH principles and practices across work and other related settings (outside of work setting)
  • Conduct lectures or presentations on TEACCH-related content titled “Based on TEACCH Philosophy”
  • Use of the title “TEACCH Training” is restricted to trainings provided by current TEACCH Employees only
  • Receive Consultative Support (up to 2 hours per certification period—no charge)
  • Utilize discounts (10%) to TEACCH-sponsored conferences, and approved seminars in North Carolina
  • One year of experience post TEACCH Certified Practitioner level certification
  • Meet with the TEACCH Certification Department to confirm eligibility and discuss personalized portfolio requirements, which will be based on goals of certification and current job responsibilities.  Potential portfolio requirements may include copies of presentations/presenter notes from lectures and workshops facilitated, examples of de-identified consultations, and other clinically advanced activities.
  • Once eligibility is confirmed and a candidate is approved to proceed with certification, the applicant will be invoiced for the $1000 Advanced Consultant Certification fee.
  • An application and detailed instructions for submitting the portfolio will be provided by the TEACCH Certifications Coordinator.
  • The portfolio will be reviewed and when approved, a Zoom meeting with the Certifications Review Committee will be scheduled.
  • When the portfolio is approved by the Certifications Review Committee, a three-year certificate will be mailed to the applicant upon completion of a signed agreement.
  • Training fees apply (see Criteria/Process above) for prerequisite Shadow training and registration fees for Fundamentals workshops.
  • $1000 Application and Certification Fee
  • Within the three-year period of certification, attend 16 contact hours of continuing education activities in ASD, including:
    • A minimum of 8 hours in TEACCH-sponsored workshops or the TEACCH Conference.
    • An additional 8 hours can be from any other ASD workshops or conferences
  • Provide a list of trainings or other continuing education activities you attended during the three-year certification period.
  • Indicate how Certification has been helpful as you carried out activities during the certification period that related to TEACCH practices.
  • Recertification Fee: $525

For additional questions or more information, please contact:

UNC TEACCH Autism Program – Certifications
CB#7180, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7180
Email: | Phone: 919.966.8191