Meet Logan
Meet Logan – Logan is a 12 year old boy who is in middle school. Logan enjoys going to the park and to museums as well as making creative designs with pipe cleaners.

As a toddler, Logan was not yet using words and mostly communicated by signing or using pictures. He enjoyed going to parks and to the library and mostly socialized with his younger brother. He was not yet in an educational program and was cared for at home by his mother. He received speech therapy, occupational therapy and developmental therapy. Logan was a picky eater as a toddler.

By preschool, Logan started to speak in short phrases and continued to use pictures to request and to help him understand directions. Logan began to participate in the Special Olympics as a preschooler and continued to socialize with his brother. He also began to socialize with classmates. Logan attended a special education classroom and received speech and occupational therapy. He continued to be a picky eater.

Logan’s language continued to improve in elementary school and while his speech was delayed, he spoke in sentences and was able to communicate his wants and needs verbally. He continued to also use picture cues. Logan continued to participate in Special Olympics and enjoyed playing with his younger brothers and classmates. He continued to attend a special education classroom in the public school and received occupational and speech therapy.

Logan communicates verbally and now only uses picture cues to help him to stay on task. He still loves going to the park and to museums and spending time with his brothers, classmates and friends. He continues to attend a special education classroom and receives modified speech and occupational therapy through the school district.