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Welcome! We are so glad you are here. Our mission is to provide easily accessible, culturally sensitive, and personally tailored information to allow successful connection to early intervention services for Black autistic children across North Carolina. We hope you find helpful information and a sense of community as you browse the website, watch the videos, and use the personalized interactive tools.

what is bfast button

meet the fast kids button

does my child have autism button

contact autism navigator button

Black pediatrician examining kid with a stethoscope during medical appointment at doctor's office. Build your team button graphic that links to build your team page

black father with young son looking at a picture book. Ages and Stages button graphic that links to Ages and Stages page

A black woman is working on her laptop while her little son sits on her lap, juggling responsibilities. Feeling empowered button graphic that links to Empowerment page

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 919-966-3858

BFAST partnership logos - UNC TEACCH Autism Program logo, Autism Society of North Carolina logo, and the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute