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One of the great strengths of Black families is the power of community. Through our community, we can address some of the challenges we face in getting services for our autistic children. It is so important that we take care of ourselves and one another as we get the help our children deserve. Watch the video and hear families share their experiences dealing with stigma and their approach to being heard when advocating for their children. 

navy graphic that says how do I deal with the labels, myths, and stigma of autism links out to page

navy graphic that says how do i make sure my voice is being heard links out to page

navy graphic that says how do I stay confident while parenting a child with autism and links out to page

contact autism navigator button links to contact information

BFAST is a UNC TEACCH Autism Program project in collaboration with the Autism Society of NC and the Frank
Porter Graham Child Development Institute made possible through funding from the C Felix Harvey Foundation

BFAST partnership logos - UNC TEACCH Autism Program logo, Autism Society of North Carolina logo, and the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute