School-Age (6 to 11)
What Should My Child Be Doing?
- At each age, children are expected to have certain skills in different areas of development, such as motor (running, jumping, playing sports), communication (using words and gestures), social (interacting with peers and adults), and/or play (pretend, peers). Knowing what your child should be doing at each stage of development can help you know if your child needs help. It can also help you identify goals to work toward for your child and what kind of help your child may need.
- As children transition to school age, they communicate more (speaking, gestures), have more play skills (independent and with other children), and continue developing emotionally (describing emotions, forming complex friendships).
What Services Might My Child/Family Want or Need?
A child’s services should fit with the child’s age and goals and the family’s values and needs. A child who is not yet talking will need services to help them communicate and talk, such as speech therapy or autism-specific intervention. A child who has difficulty with academics may need support from teachers. See below for descriptions of services and targeted areas for this age group.
Find a speech therapist in your area by entering “speech” under keyword search and your zipcode under location.
Autism Society of NC Resource Directory Autism Speaks Resource Guide (enter your state and your child’s age)
Children's Developmental Service Agency CDSA Referral Information
The Autism Society of America has a list of interventions and also questions to ask to determine which intervention or provider may be best for you:
Interventions and Therapies
Find an autism provider in your area by entering “aba” or “TEACCH” under keyword search and your zipcode under location.
Autism Society of NC Resource Directory
Autism Speaks Resource Guide (enter your state and your child’s age)
Find a physical therapist in your area by entering “physical therapist” under keyword search and your zipcode under location.
Autism Society of NC Resource Directory Autism Speaks Resource Guide (enter your state and your child’s age)
Find an occupational therapist in your area by entering “occupational therapist” under keyword search and your zipcode under location. Autism Society of NC Resource Directory Autism Speaks Resource Guide (enter your state and your child’s age)
Find a mental health provider in your area by entering “mental health provider” under keyword search and your zipcode under location.
Autism Society of NC Resource Directory Autism Speaks Resource GuideThe Work Together NC program focuses on adults, but may also be a resource to find mental health providers in your area:
Work Together NC - Find Services
The 211 website has a searchable database for providers in your area. To find mental health providers in your area, click here and enter your zip code and mental health.
Search for Mental Health Providers
Each regional TEACCH center has a Resource and Referral Specialist to help families find resources at TEACCH Autism Program and within the local community.
TEACCH Autism Resource and Referral Specilaists
School District Information
Some providers, including ABA programs, speech therapists, or mental health providers may lead social skills groups.
Autism Society of NC Resource Directory
The Autism Society of North Carolina has referral specialists. Connect with an ASNC referral specialist and complete the form:
ASNC Resource and Referral Specialists
The UNC TEACCH Program has resource and referral specialists as well. To talk with a resource and referral specialist at TEACCH, call your local TEACCH Center.
TEACCH Autism Resource and Referral Specialists
The tailored plan through Medicaid Managed Care will also offer care navigation.
Tailored Care Management
There are also support groups specifically designed for Black Families in North Carolina:
FACES for Autism
The Family Support Network connects parents with other parents to offer guidance and support:
Family Support Network of NC
Find directories that list support groups and parent support in NC:
Work Together NC - Find Services
Find parent support in your area by entering parent support under keyword search and your zipcode under location.
Autism Society of NC Resource Directory
Autism Speaks Resource Guide (enter your state and your child’s age)
Where Can Services be Delivered?
Services can be delivered in different locations. Some service providers may come to a family’s home or a child’s school, while some may work in a clinic and the child may need to travel to get services. Telehealth is another way services can be provided if the health plan will cover this option. While telehealth may not seem like it could work for a child, often the provider is working with the parent, particularly for young children. They may watch the child and parent play and offer suggestions for the parent to try with the child, working towards the child’s goals. Find service providers in your area and remember to ask about the possible locations.
How do I Pay for Services?
There are different ways to pay for services. Some programs are publicly funded, and the family does not need to pay, such as services through the school system. Health plans or health insurance often fund part or all the cost of certain services. Although it may be expensive, families may also have the option to pay for the service themselves. If a family is not able to pay for a service, there may be grants available to help cover the cost.
Medicaid funding in NC
Special education preschool services Special education referral process Find the preschool coordinator in your NC school district ECAC - Special education services
SSI websiteSSI and additional funding resources
Innovations Waiver and How to apply
Families apply for Innovations waiver through their Managed Care Organization (MCO).
Find your MCO/LME
First in Families has fourteen regional chapters across North Carolina and helps families get what they need to participate in their community. Autism Care Today is a national program that provides grant funding of up to $5000 to families. They directly provide funding to the identified treatment providers to cover the cost of services.
First in Families
Autism Care Today
What Community Programs May Be Helpful?
Families may be looking for programs that will provide social opportunities, childcare or support motor skills. These may include community programs like daycares, church programs, recreational programs, playgrounds, or after-school programs. Some programs may be listed in your local family guides or parks and recreation department websites. Make sure to check for words like inclusive or individualized and ask about accommodations made for children with special needs.
What Can I Do While I Wait?
Autism: What Does It Mean to me? A workbook Explaining Self Awareness and Life Lessons to the Child or Youth with High Functioning Autism Uniquely Human: Updated and Expanded: A Different Way of Seeing Autism
TEACCH Tips Completing Schoolwork at Home Structure in the Summer Increasing Engagement Using Special Interests Daily Living Routines
Check your local chapter of the Autism Society of North Carolina for local support groups FACES is a support group designed specifically for Black Families to navigate services for their child with autism
Family Support Network of North Carolina offers peer support by pairing caregivers with lived experience of caring for a loved one with a disability or special healthcare needs.
Family Support Network of NCThe Color of Autism offers support groups and trainings.
The Color of AutismBFAST is a UNC TEACCH Autism Program project in collaboration with the Autism Society of NC and the Frank
Porter Graham Child Development Institute made possible through funding from the C Felix Harvey Foundation