Grace Lee Simmons received her B.S in psychology from Davidson College and her M.A and PhD in clinical child psychology from the University of Alabama. At the University of Alabama, she worked for five years under the supervision of Dr. Susan White leading children diagnosed with ASD through a 10-week musical theater program designed to enhance social skills. She joined the UNC TEACCH Autism Program as a predoctoral intern (2022 – 2023). She continued at TEACCH as a postdoctoral fellow where she spends half of her time contributing to clinical research in the Klinger Lab and half of her time providing clinical services as she pursues clinical licensure in the state of North Carolina. Her published research has examined mechanisms underlying social difficulties in youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities which may serve as targets for clinical interventions. She is particularly interested in developing, implementing, and disseminating psychosocial interventions for autistic youth that support their self-directed social development. In her free time, she enjoys running and hot yoga, trying new recipes, and taking her two scruffy pups on long walks.
Grace Lee Simmons