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The Chapel Hill TEACCH Center is hosting a one-day workshop for professionals involved with diagnosis and assessment of children, adolescents and adults perceived to have autism. The workshop will use a case-oriented style covering how the DSM-5 defines Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and how this definition affects diagnoses and assessments. In addition, the workshop will focus on conducting developmental history interviews, using informal assessment techniques and formal instruments, and exploring differential diagnoses. Participants are invited to bring their own case example for the afternoon group discussion. The training includes presentations, group activities and discussions.

Friday, December 11, 2015 8:30-4:30
Carolina Living and Learning Center, Pittsboro, NC

At the completion of training participants will be able to:

-Understand the difference between the DSM-5 definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders compared to DSM-IV

– Use the CARS second edition-High Functioning Autism Scale (CARS2-HF)

– Interpret assessment techniques and differential diagnosis of ASD versus other psychiatric disorders

0.6 CEUs are available upon completion of the entire training program.

Mary E. Van Bourgondien, Ph.D., Clinical Director, Chapel Hill TEACCH Center Tamara Dawkins Ph.D., Assistant Clinical Director, Chapel Hill TEACCH Center.

Psychologists and other professionals who are involved with diagnosis and assessment of children, adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum. If we do not receive your payment or purchase order at least one week prior to the first day of training, then you could lose your training spot to the next person on the waiting list. Should this occur, you will be notified 48 hours in advance.