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Kara Hume

Kara Hume

Kara Hume

Faculty Fellow
Spangler, Room 235

Academic Affiliation 

Associate Professor
School of Education


Special Education,
Indiana University
Educational Psychology,
Arizona State Univeristy
Special Education,
University of Evansville

Area(s) of Work

Biographical Statement 

Kara Hume, PhD, is a Fellow of Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at UNC-Chapel Hill, as well as Associate Professor and the Richard “Dick” Coop Faculty Scholar in Education in the School of Education. She serves as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PI on several studies with children, adolescents, and adults on the autism spectrum. Her research focuses on increasing access for individuals with developmental disabilities to high quality community-based interventions. Her research interests span the age range—with most of her work focusing on school-based interventions for individuals with developmental disabilities.

During her years at UNC, Hume, in collaboration with a number of colleagues across departments and disciplines, has received more than $14,000,000 in funding as PI or Co-PI, published more than 40 manuscripts, and has led two of the largest studies to date examining the efficacy of school-based interventions for students with developmental disabilities. The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee has twice identified her work as a top 20 yearly scientific advance in ASD research.

Hume has worked with children and young adults on the autism spectrum for almost 30 years in a variety of capacities, including a home program therapist, teacher, trainer, consultant, fitness coach, and researcher. She was a classroom teacher for seven years working primarily with students on the autism spectrum and is a Certified Advanced Consultant with the UNC TEACCH Autism Program.

Research Specializations: Classroom and home-based intervention strategies for young children, school-age children, and adolescents with developmental disabilities; use of structured teaching strategies with individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD); professional development and implementation support for special education service providers; and identification, review, and evaluation of evidence based practices for individuals with ASD.