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TEACCH for Toddlers (TFT) is a comprehensive approach for autistic toddlers and their families, incorporating naturalistic, structured, and behavioral intervention strategies. Family Implemented TEACCH for Toddlers (FITT) is our way of coaching parents to (1) understand how their toddler learns and (2) use naturalistic and structured strategies to promote engagement. The Interventionist conducts an initial interview to determine a treatment plan and broad goals for parents and the child. We provide this intervention through either:

TEACCH for Toddlers Weekly Sessions

Weekly TEACCH for Toddlers sessions are focused on child and parental goals.

Age: Under 4 years
Location: Clinic or Telehealth
Duration: 60 min/week  x12 weeks
Center Availability: Varies by Center, contact your local TEACCH Center for more information
Billing: Mental or Allied Health

TEACCH for Toddlers Intensive Sessions

Intensive sessions target individualized treatment goals for the child and parent. Data is collected to measure progress. Group and/or individual sessions may be provided. Regular supervision is required.

Age: Under 3 years*
Location: Clinic and Telehealth or Clinic only
Duration:  3 hours/week for 4-6 months
Center Availability: Varies by Center, contact your local TEACCH Center for more information
Billing: Adaptive Behavior Therapy

*Child must enroll in Intensive before 2 years and 7 months to complete treatment before turning 3 years of age.